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Zilog’s Z8 Encore! XP F64xx Series of MCUs is based on the 8-bit eZ8 CPU core and offers an extended set of peripheral functions that makes the Z8 Encore! XP Family suitable for a variety of applications including motor control, security systems, home appliances, personal electronic devices and sensors.

The Z8F1621 MCU offers 16KB of in-circuit-programmable Flash memory, 2KB of RAM, 31 I/O lines, 23 interrupts and 8 ADC channels in 44-pin LQFP and PLCC packages. The eZ8 CPU is also upward-compatible with the existing Z8 instruction set.

Build your application with the Z8 Encore! XP F64xx Series Development Kit (Z8F64200100KITG).

The F64xx Series MCUs are RoHS-compliant.

Z8F1621 Features
  • 20MHz eZ8 microprocessor core
  • 16KB Flash program memory
  • 2KB register SRAM
  • 8-channel 10-bit A/D converter
  • Three 16-bit timers with PWMs, plus capture and compare capability
  • 31 or 29 general-purpose I/Os, depending on package type
  • Power-On Reset (POR) and Voltage Brown-Out (VBO)
  • Full-duplex SPI and I2C, plus 2 UART ports with IrDA encoder/decoder
  • 3-channel DMA controller
  • 3.0V to 3.6V voltage range
  • Standard (0°C to 70°C) and extended (–40°C to 105°C) temperature range
  • Available in 40-pin PDIP, 44-pin PLCC and 44-pin LQFP packages
Z8 Encore! XP F64xx Series Block Diagram

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