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Zilog’s Z8 Encore! XP F1680 Series of MCUs is based on Zilog’s advanced 8-bit eZ8 CPU core and offers an assortment of speed and low-power options. The F1680 is optimized for low-power applications and supports 1.8V to 3.6V wide low-voltage operation with extremely low ACTIVE, HALT and STOP mode currents. In addition, the feature-rich analog and digital peripherals of the Z8 Encore! XP F1680 Series makes it suitable for a variety of applications including safety and security, utility metering, digital power supervisory, handheld electronic devices, general motor control, and other low-voltage, low-power applications.

The Z8F0880 MCU offers 8KB of in-circuit-programmable Flash memory, 1024 bytes of register RAM, 1024 bytes of program RAM and 128 bytes of nonvolatile data storage in multiple 20-, 28-, 40- and 44-pin package types.

Build your application with the Z8 Encore! XP Dual F1680 Series (28-Pin) Development Kit (Z8F16800128ZCOG) or the Z8 Encore! XP Dual F1680 Series (44-Pin) Development Kit (Z8F16800144ZCOG).

The F1680 Series MCUs are RoHS-compliant.

Z8F0880 Features
  • 20MHz register-based eZ8 microprocessor core with memory-to-memory arithmetic operation
  • 8KB Flash memory
  • 2KB + 1KB register SRAM
  • 256B EEPROM capability
  • 7/8-channels 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with fast 4.9 µs conversion time
  • Up to 37 general-purpose I/Os, depending on package type
  • Watch-Dog Timer (WDT), Power-On Reset (POR), Voltage Brown-Out (VBO)
  • Full-duplex ESPI and I2C, plus 2 LIN UART ports
  • Built-in internal precision oscillator with programmable output from 43.2kHz to 11MHz
  • Single-pin On-Chip Debugger (OCD) for ultimate design flexibility
  • 1.8V to 3.6V voltage range
  • Available in 20- & 28-pin SOIC, 20- & 28-pin SSOP, 40-pin PDIP, 44-pin LQFP and 44-pin QFN packages
Z8 Encore! XP F1680 Series Block Diagram

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