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Zilog's F083A Series of MCUs extends the solution set from the F0830 Se
Z8F043A Features- 20MHz eZ8 microprocessor core
- 8KB Flash memory with in-circuit programming capability
- 256B register RAM
- 100B EEPROM capability
- Up to 8-channel, 10-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) with an ultra fast 2.8µs conversion time
- On-chip analog comparator
- Two 16-bit timers with Capture, Compare and PWM capabilities
- Watch-Dog Timer (WDT)
- 17 to 23 I/O pins depending upon package
- Up to 18 interrupts with configurable priority
- Internal Precision Oscillator (20MHz/32KHz) ±2% voltage/temperature range (0°C–70°C)
- 0°C to +70°C standard temperature and –40°C to +105°C extended temperature operating ranges
Z8 Encore! F083A Series Block Diagram